Site icon "The Land" Short Film


The last update was regarding the setback that has come to be known as COVID-19.  It reduced the work capacity significantly at the film lab which put our scans on hold.  Fortunately, they haven’t forgotten about us.  I received an email last week from Ali, our account representative and she thinks they’ll be able to get us into the rotation in the coming weeks.

I’ve been working on a TV writing certificate through the UCLA Theatre-TV-Film department.  The 6 week program just ended and I now have a finished 60 page pilot script for a TV show that I created!  This is a big deal because it really helped me get back into the writer’s mindset and shake loose the mental block that keeps us all from developing longer form content.  Now I have a more sophisticated creative process that I can re-use with other story worlds that I’ve invented.  Another benefit is when I network with industry professionals, I’ll have something I can pitch and, if they ask, something I can give them to read.  The writing samples and a finished short film will open up new doors.

The writing institute ended with a pitch session in front of three industry development executives as well as a final story analysis / review session with our instructor who got her first writing gig on NYPD blue back in the 90’s and has since joined several high profile writer’s rooms in Hollywood.  Now that I have lots of notes from the pros, I’m going to get started on a rewrite while it’s still fresh. By the time this is done, we should have some footage to work with on the film.

I’ve been hearing for years that success with movies largely rests on sound quality.  Audiences will forgive problems with picture but not with sound.  This fact was echoed in our industry seminars over the last six weeks.  I have more good news regarding The Land that involves an unexpected development which will improve the production value of our soundI’m excited about it but I’ll save that for next time so I can do a thorough video on sound production.

I hope you’re all enjoying the break from the extreme heat now that we’ve moved into September (I know I am!)  Happy fall to Y’all and… until next time!


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